We help students discover majors and universities that best align with their academic profile and career aspirations. By analyzing past and current academic performance, we ensure students are well-prepared to pursue their dreams.
Our team thoroughly evaluates the specific admission criteria of universities, ensuring that each student’s profile matches the type of candidates sought by their preferred institutions.
We offer tailored advice for selecting universities and academic programs that meet individual goals, preferences, and unique needs.
Recognizing and addressing areas of improvement in the student's profile, we provide strategies to bolster strengths and minimize weaknesses, increasing the chances of acceptance into top-choice universities.
From scholarships to internships and extracurricular activities, we offer unlimited assistance in crafting applications, essays, resumes, and personal statements, ensuring students stand out.
Craft compelling and authentic essays with our unlimited guidance, helping students present their stories in the most impactful way.
Time management, meeting deadlines, and other essential soft skills are critical to success. We provide coaching on these crucial aspects to ensure a smooth application process.
Our program supports students through every step of the Early Action/Early Decision and Regular Decision application cycles, ensuring no deadlines or details are missed.
Whether applying to traditional programs, creative arts schools, or sports-based applications, we provide expert support tailored to each application type.
We implement customized interventions as needed to maximize each student’s potential for success in their college application journey.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi
Vitae platea fermentum, in pellentesque lectus vitae. Iaculis sit viverra vulputate proin malesuada mollis. Morbi quis a, sapien, in pellentesque.
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus
Assisting in determining majors and universities that align with the student's profile, considering current and past academic achievements, as well as future career aspirations.
Thoroughly aligning the student's profile with the specific requirements of universities, considering the type of students a particular university seeks to admit.
Providing tailored guidance specific to universities and academic programs, addressing individual needs and preferences.
Identifying and rectifying weaknesses in the student's profile to enhance their chances of admission.
Offering unlimited assistance in the application process for scholarships, internships, and various extracurricular activities, including support for essays, resumes, personal statements, etc.
Providing continuous support for crafting impactful college application essays.
Offering guidance on important softer aspects such as time management, meeting deadlines, and other essential skills.
Supporting students through the Early Action/Early Decision and Regular Decision application cycles.
Addressing all types of applications, including traditional, creative arts, sports, etc.
Implementing other interventions as deemed necessary to enhance the overall college application process.
May 12th-14th, 2023
With its student-focused, hands-on approach, JYCP equips students with the tools, knowledge, and strategies needed to achieve their college aspirations. Our expert guidance ensures that students can confidently navigate the complexities of the application process and gain admission to their best-fit universities.
Let us help you take the next step toward a bright academic future with JYCP!